Testimony before the
House of Commons Select Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food
in the matter of the Canadian Wheat Board

Wendy R. Holm, P.Ag.
Thursday, October 26, 2006

        (Click to download a copy of presentation text.  Actual Hansard transcript will be posted here early next week).


Who Owns the Farm Media in Western Canada?

Transcript of CBC Radio One Regina interview with Wendy Holm and Barb Glen, August 18, 2006

The Big Lie.  Central Alberta Farmer.  September 2006

Safety Net, CWB matters of trust.  Western Producer.  April 13, 2006

Code for disaster, part two.  Western Producer.  March 9, 2006

Dual desk is code for disaster.  Western Producer.  February 9, 2006
BRONZE, The Frank Jacobs Award for Press Column, 2006, Canadian Farm Writers' Federation, September 16, 2006

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